4 Item(s)
One of my favourite RDAs. It plays in the same league as the Asgard mini RDA. I love it!
I've been an user of RDAs for 7-8 years or so, and this one is my absolute MVP so far.
The RDA I had before this one, was the Talo X RDA, and the Hellvape Drop Dead 2 RDA feels like a total upgrade for me.
The setup is easy (easier than in the Talo X) but the thing that I love the most after 1 month of using it non stop, is that is so easy to clean, there are no weird spots in the deck that you can't reach, so, if you care about hygiene (I hope you do), you will love this RDA.
The vaping experience is top tier, flavour and clouds are nice. I've only tried with 0.15 ohm (default ones) and 0.20 (handmade) between 40 and 60 W using the drag 4, and feels amazing!
The only issue, is the painting on the blood themed one, it's fragile, but that's normal on any painted rda so still a 5 star for me.
I have the DR Max and the DR Solo too but out of these 3, this one is the weakest chain. Good good but nothing special. It was a bit dissapointment for me. The price and the Bloody Mess design is great, but this won't be my favourite.
Easy build and super quiet. Great flavour and so useful having a good deep well. I have nine on top of the Innokin Liftbox Bastion siphon squonk mod. This is a SELF-squonking mod that you put your rda on top of. The drop dead v2 works brilliantly with it
4 Item(s)