It's been a while since this vaporizer was released and there's been a lot of talk about it on the forum, so after I bit them, I thought I'd open a topic as well. With the BSKR V3 MTL RTA I just set it up once, vaped a bit and put it aside because I didn't have time at the time so I can't do any comparison. Also, the BSKR Mini v3 MTL RTA the first time I set it up when taking pictures I got exactly what I wanted as a result I haven't played with other settings or the air otherwise so this presentation will be limited to what I like and not how it plays generally.
The BSKR V3 Mini MTL RTA is a 22mm MTL atomizer with a diameter of 22mm and a height of 34.37mm with the short lens and 43mm height with the extension and the large lens. The liquid capacity with the short glass is 2ml and with the tall glass 4ml. It has a 510 type mouthpiece, it fills from the top and we have the liquid over the resistor and it goes down the spigots to water the resistor.
The package includes the atomizer which comes with the short glass and the tall one comes as an extra, an aluminum tank in the colors of the atomizer if you like not to see how much liquid is inside your atomizer and you want to eat burnt because the liquid has run out if any forget air plates, o-rings along with an allen key and spare screws, two resistors and a second mouthpiece.
Sold in the following colors:
Are we starting over? No, let's go below which has a more interesting chic. We don't have an air ring, but we do have plates that also work as the pole of the atomizer. The plates fit perfectly in place and at the same time are very easy to remove and replace. Surely the pin change is possible even if the tank is full of liquid, but I didn't happen to try it. I generally like this way of introducing air and find it ideal in MTL vaporizers when the air hits the coil from below for my taste, although my beloved Feb I have 3 ready to go everyday has the air hitting the side haha but there we are interested in its terrible smoke, so here I put the sign that I thought I would like and of course it is 1.0pm. I used to try.
Let's go back upstairs now. The mouthpiece, aaaand I remember well, in the v3 it was a normal mouthpiece while here in the mini the mouthpiece has two parts. Its base is 510 so that we can normally put any mouthpiece we want and the mouthpieces in the package screw onto the base. Usually in MTL vaporizers I put my own mouthpieces but here I was very comfortable with the one that was already on the atomizer and I was somewhat indifferent to the second one in the package.
The top cap unscrews by turning it half way and below we have the two holes for the introduction of the liquid. I don't remember if it's the same on the v3 but here we have little silicone plugs to keep the holes permanently closed and they open by pushing the nose of the bottle in. No specific reason but I've never liked this addition to vaporizers and wish they were gone. In particular, when I who play with the short glass and have to put the nose in, I have to pour some liquid, take out the nose and put it in the other hole to fill from there because otherwise the liquid rises up. It's not a terrible thing, but since I rarely have time during the day, these extra seconds look bad on me.
As I wrote above, I have the atomizer with the short glass and I like it that way. I think that since it is a small MTL vaporizer, the large glass with the extension makes it look bigger and doesn't inspire me the same. I like that it's short and that it needs filling more often like this. I have nothing to say about the aluminum tank, I always found them completely indifferent and never preferred them. I know there are people who use them but no one is perfect after all.
The first time I set up the vaporizer I was about to throw it away because for some reason I didn't realize that the extra ring it has around it to control the flow of liquid comes off so I couldn't humanly set up the resistance. Luckily I figured it out in the first couple of minutes so I took it out and set up normally. I like the easy set up, as long as you take out the crappy allen screws they still put on atomizers and put in normal Phillips screws, I threw away the coil, cut off feet and put cotton on. Lots of cotton though. My first cottoning was not right because I cut the cotton and fluffed it quite a bit and when I went to put it in the two gutters it was suddenly a little bit. So I took out the cotton and put in a new longer one, cut to the limits of the atomizer at approx. then I fluffed the rims being careful not to get too much cotton to cover the entire gutter. Maybe it doesn't need that much, but it caught me from the first time, neither under nor underpowered, no cotton wool and everything complete.
I've had it as a daily routine with the Febs for two weeks now and I'm happy. I set up with handmade MTL fused resistors, whatever I find on the shelf I don't distinguish any, Cloud 9 cotton and I play at 0.6-0.8Ω with 18-20W. Ultra-quiet vaporizer, nicely full of smoke, complete flavor (you don't look for the flavor too much if you vape with Feb every day) and no leaks.
For me it's worth a look for sure. That's all.